Tuesday 26 February 2013

Kaal Sarpa Dosha

Today I am discussing about Kaal Sarpa Dosha - A Dosha which is considered as bad for Finance as Mangal Dosha is for Marriage. Today every third person who is coming to me is asking me about this Dosha as many Astrologers are charging Huge Sum of money for so called Shanti or Upaya of thi Dosha. Many people are being taken to places like Nasik etc for remedial measures of this Dosha. Let me tell you please dont be afraid of Kaal Sarpa Dosha.

First of all let me tell you what is Kaal Sarpa Dosha - A Kaal Sarpa Dosha is created when all the seven planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e  when all seven planets are inside Rahu and Ketu. Example

If a Person has Aries/Mesha Lagan and Rahu is in it then automatically Ketu will be in Libra/Tula. in such a case if all the seven planets are in 2nd, 3rd, 4th 5th or 6th house. Kaal Sarpa Dosha is created. Mind it if all the planets are in 8th 9th 10th 11th or 12th house there will be no dosha.

Similarly if any planet out of seven is with Ketu or Rahu there will be no Dosha.

Moreover such dosha is very common even in the charts of many Rich and Famous so dont be afraid, Check your chart and ask me.?

God Bless U. Jai Mata Rani

Saturday 23 February 2013

Gand Mool Dosha

There are 28 Naksatra or Star in the universe but for our convenience we are using 27 Stars for calculations leaving Abhijeet Naksatra, This is because Every Sign/Rasi  is equal to 2.1/4 Star or Naksatra  i.e 12 Rasis/ Signs equal to 27 Naksatra/Stars.

There are total six Gand Mool Naksatra

Revati  with Mercury or Budh a Lord
Ashwani with Ketu as Lord

Aslesha - Mercury/ Budh
Magha- Ketu

Jayesta- Mercury /Budh
Mool- Ketu

But all those born with these naksatra are not Mool Born or have Gand Mool Dosha

All naksatra/star has four divisions/charan 1,2,3,4 and Only 1st Charn of Revati, Aslesha, Jeyesta and 4rth Charan of Ashwani. Magha and Mool are bad or not good.

And those who are born in Naksatra Sandhi that means when one Star is going and other rising then It creates Gandanth Dosha. Time wise 2.1/2 hours on both sides of Naksatra are bad.

Dasa wise all those who are born with Ketu Dasha of less than 1 year and Mercury Dasha of more than 16 years have bad Dosha rest all born in all six stars or Naksatra are not born in bad dosha.

So Mool Dosha ia not as bad as projected or talked about.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Manglik Dosha

Today I will let you know about Mangalik Dosha which is being considered deadly and dangerous by a majority of people who believe or trust Astrology or who consult Astrologers for Horoscope Matching at the time of getting married. First of all Let me tell you that Manglik Dosha is not at all dangerous or deadly. Now I will prove it by logic and science.

Who is Manglik : Any body who is having Mangal or Mars in First, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house in their Birth Chart is Called Manglik. It means that out of 12 Signs or Houses Six (6) houses or signs denotes Manglik that implies that Fifty Percent of all those born on any particular day are manglik, Yes or Not, Answer is yes

Secondly if Mars or Mangal is in its own house that is in Aries/ Mesha or Scorpio or Vrishaka or in its Exalted or Uch or Debelitated or Neecha House that is in Cappricorn/Makar or Cancer/ Karkat then there is no Dosha.

Then if Jupiter aspects it (Mars/Mangal) s from certain signs there is no dosha,

Similarly there are other Mangal Nashak Dosha,

So out of 12 signs in 6 +4 total 10 signs there is no dosha only in 2 signs or rashis there remains a dosha that is also not deadly, Actually only in 1% cases Manglik Dosha is deadly. This I will discuss later.
God Bless U. U can ask me queries at sunildhar21@gmail.com

Saturday 16 February 2013

What is Rasi

Today I will let us know about what u commonly called Rasi in Hindi or Sign in English. It indicated mental makeup of a person. Jusr remember the following:

A Rasi is nothing but the position of Moon/ Chandra in your birth Chart. If at the time of birth your Moon/Chandra is in Aries/ Mesha it means you are born in Aries Sign or Mesha Rasi. This is in Indian System which is Moon based.

A Sign or Rasi in western System is nothing but the position of Sun/Surya, if in your birth chart Sun/Surya is in Aries it means your Sign is Aries/Mesha that is why it is also called SUN Sign.

Now see the difference between both; Moon stays in a sign for 2.1/4 days while Sun stays in a sign for 30 days.
On the basis of Sun movement Months are classified for example in the Month of April, Sun is in Aries/ Mesha and in May it is in Taurus so on and so forth. So generally all those who are born in April will have Aries Sun Sign and should have all the same characteristic of Aries sign.

But in actual practice, all those born in same month will never have same mental characteristic. Even I have seen those who are born on 12 April and 13 April of same year have very different mental and emotional features.

But this is not in Moon Sign, in Moon sign one born in any month in any year having same Moon Sign demonstrate same or similar mental and emotional features. This is because of the fact that Moon's stay in only for 2.1/4 days and those born in similar or same Moon's position must have similar things. In actual practice also, it is true, A father born in 21 June 1962 and Son born in 03 Aug 1993 having Makar or Cappricorn Sign have similar mental and emotional features.

Here I want to emphsise that Moon sign is more accurate in practice so all my friends should see Moon Sign not Sun Sign for Common predictions which appear in Magazines and Periodicals.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Today I will let u know the three important aspects of Horoscope Reading which u will not find in any textbook or treatise. It is simple based on my own experience of last 33 years as student of Astrology.

The whole Horoscope or Kundli is based on 1) Lagan or Ascendent 2) Rasi or Sign & 3) Bhagesh or Luck Lord. I give 34 marks to Laganm 33 each to Rasi and Bhagesh out of 100. One who scores more than 51 marks lives a decent life, A score above 80 gives tremendous success in respective field based on configuration of yogakarak planet or Greh as well as Karam Stan 10th lord.

A decent Lagan Lord coupled with strong Bhagesh or Ninth Lord makes a chart good strong and promising. Any relation between these two lords by way of aspect, togetherness or exchange ( Parivartan ) adds shine to that chart.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Today I will let you know about Rasis or Signs

There are 12 Rasis or Signs

Name                                        Sex

Aries is called Mesh in Hindi      Male (M)
Taurus is Vrishab                       Female (F)
Gemini is Mithun                        M
Cancer is Karak or Karkat        F
Leo is Simha or Singh                M
Virgo is Kanya                          F
Libra is Tula                              M
Scorpio is Vrishak                     F
Sagittaurus is Dhanu                  M
Cappricorn is Makar                 F
Aquaris is Khumb                     M
Pisces is Meena                        F

Friday 8 February 2013

Dear Friends Today due to strong demand and request from you, I am starting My Astrology Blog to help u people understand the Science of Astrology and its use in making life better. I created this blog on 8 Feb 2012 at 07.12 pm. I will start posting on it today onwards. I seek blessings of Ganesh Ji and Mata Rani for this work and also from Swami Ji who has always given me his blessings in abundance.

With warm regards

I am
Sunil Dhar